List of award winners for Fimucinema 2021, the official competition section of the Festival Internacional de Música de Cine de Tenerife

- The FIMUCINEMA Alex North Award for Best Original Score for a Fictional Feature Film goes to Marvin Miller and Ralf Wengenmavr, for ‘Jim Knopf und Die Wilde 13’.

The jury for the Official Competition Section for the 15th Edition of the Festival Internacional de Música de Cine de Tenerife (FIMUCITÉ), FIMUCINEMA, presided over by Xavier Capellas (composer and President of Asociación Musimagen), with Julio Tejera (musician and President of the Canarian territorial counsel for SGAE), Minia Díaz (singer/composer, co-founder and Singing and Musictherapy teacher at Novilunio Music & Films) and Verónica Galán (journalist and Communications Manager for Auditorio de Tenerife), have decided to present the Fimucinema Alex North Award for Best Original Score in this 2021 Edition to Marvin Miller and Ralf Wengenmavr, for ‘Jim Knopf und Die Wilde 13’, “a musical score that submerges us in the fantastic voyage that is the universe of Michael Ende”.

The Fimucinema Award for Best Original Score (Documentary) goes to Josué Vergara for ‘Out of the Blue’, “a score that accompanies the viewer through an adventure both heavenly and balanced”.

The Fimucinema Award for Best Original Score for a Short Film has gone to Saba Alizâdeh, for ‘Navozande, le musicien’, “for bringing life to Persian instrument the Kamancheh as the protagonist in a story of war and love”.

And, in the category of Best Original Song, the Fimucinema Award goes to Marín Moore, for ‘El Baile del Estornino’, especially for “its ability to introduce the story´s protagonist delicately, movingly and in a contemporary manner”.

The announcement and presentation of the awards for the Official Competition Section, coordinated by Manuel Díaz Noda, took place during the Festival´s closing ceremony this Sunday at Espacio Cultural La Granja, in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Josué Vergara attended the ceremony to collect his award.

The Festival Internacional de Música de Cine de Tenerife, directed by renowned composer and orchestra conductor Diego Navarro, celebrates this special 15th Anniversary Edition with the support of Cabildo de Tenerife, Gobierno de Canarias, Ayuntamiento de San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Auditorio de Tenerife and Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife, as well as Fundación “la Caixa”, Fundación Disa, Fundación SGAE and Radiotelevisión Canaria.


FIMUCINEMA Alex North Award to Best Original Score for a Fictional Feature Film: Marvin Miller and Ralf Wengenmavr, for ‘Jim Knopf und Die Wilde 13’.

FIMUCINEMA Award for Best Original Score for a Documentary: Josué Vergara for ‘Out of the Blue’.

FIMUCINEMA Award for Best Original Score for a Short Film: Saba Alizâdeh, for ‘Navozande, le Musicien’.

FIMUCINEMA Award for Best Original Song: Marín Moore, for ‘El Baile del Estornino’.