The 5th Spanish Audiovisual Project Music Awards

Musimagen (The Association of Musical Composers for Audiovisual Projects) and Fimucité (The Tenerife International Festival for Music for Cinema) are organising the Fifth Spanish Audiovisual Project Music Awards.

These awards are the only of their kind presented in Spain, as voted by audiovisual composers, and, year after year, we strive to offer the biggest audiovisual music awards ceremony on the national scene.
The fact that the awards are given during the FIMUCITÉ festival allows the winners to gain considerable professional recognition on a global scale.
In this Fifth Edition, the awards are available to all musical compositions created for Spanish audiovisual projects.
Votes will be cast by Certified Electronic Vote. All Musimagen members will have the option to vote. The names of the recipients in each category will be announced publicly on Monday, July 25th on the Musimagen website, across all of our official social media and in the press.

The awards ceremony will take place on Friday, September 23rd during the Fimucité 16 Gala event, which will be held in the Auditorio Adán Martín de Santa Cruz de Tenerife.


Best Original Score for Feature Length Fiction.

The films that take part in this category must be at least 60 minutes long and must have received a release in Spain between January 1st and December 31st 2021 in cinemas, on television or on online platforms.

Best Original Score for Documentary.

The films that take part on the category must be at least 50 minutes long and must have received a release in Spain between January 1st and December 31st 2021 in cinemas, on television or on online platforms.

Best Original Score for a Series.

The series episodes that take part in this category must be at least 40 minutes long and must have been released in Spain between January 1st and December 31st 2021 on television or on online platforms.

Best Original Score for Advertising.

The spots that take part in this category must have been released between January 1st and December 31st in Spain on television or on online platforms. The version submitted may be that preferred by the composer, even if this was not the version finally shown in the media.

Best Original Score for Videogames.

The works that take part in this category must have been released in Spain between January 1st and December 31st 2021.


• Submitted works may be by any member of Musimagen or by any other audiovisual composer, either of Spanish nationality or residing in Spain.
• The Works may include foreign productions, with the proviso that the composer be either Spanish or a resident in Spain. (1)
• The audiovisual works must be submitted via a stable, password protected multimedia platform and an email notification to this effect must be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. including the work's name, author and category so that it can then be sent to and classified by category in the Musimagen List. The List is made up of all Musimagen's members, who will make up the jury who will vote for the works. (2)
• The winning works must have the relevant permissions from the producers to be performed.
• Each category winner must submit a selection of their Score of approximately 60 seconds long, in either the Sibelius or Finale format, accompanied by a pertinent audio file.

(1)Justification may be required to prove compliance with the requisite participation conditions.
(2)Links sent during the participation period (from June 6th to June 27th) should be the definitive links. They may not be altered after end of day of material submission.


• The deadline for material submission finalises on June 27th 2022 at 6pm.
• Voting will take place between 10am on June 29th and 6pm on July 20th.
• The winners will be announced on July 25th on the Musimagen website and our official social media.
• The category winners must hand in the score and the audio file before August 5th at 6pm, so that the orchestral Winners' Suite may be adapted to the musicians available, so that it may be performed live at the Gala.


• Votes will be cast via Certified Electronic Vote on an online platform that guarantees maximum transparency and respects all European laws regarding online voting. (3)
• Votes can be cast exclusively by Musimagen members. Each member will receive a previous email to enable Certified Electronic Voting.
• In order to be able to vote, every Musimagen member must access the Certified Electronic Voting system, which will go online on June 29th at 10am. This will be sent to them by email.
• FIVE (5) votes maximum will be allowed, in other words, ONE (1) vote per member per category.
• In case of a tie in the number of votes in any given category, a new electronic vote will be activated in order to have a tie-break in said categories.

(3) Detailed information will be sent separately.


• Musimagen will arrange a five-minute suite, featuring all of the winning pieces, that will be performed by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra during the September 23rd ceremony, as conducted by renowned composer and conductor Diego Navarro, the director of Fimucité and an esteemed partner of Musimagen.
• After the Awards Ceremony, the winners will have tickets to the Post-Ceremony Formal Aperitif Event, as organised by Fimucité and attended by renowned figures in the sector.
• In addition, the Association will cover all flight costs and two nights´ stay in a hotel for the winners.