The Spanish Audiovisual Project Music Awards

Musimagen (The Association of Musical Composers for Audiovisual Projects) and Fimucité (The Tenerife International Festival for Music for Cinema) are organizing the Fourth Spanish Audiovisual Project Music Awards.

These awards are the only of their kind presented in Spain, as voted by audiovisual composers, and, year after year, we strive to offer the biggest audiovisual music awards ceremony on the national scene. The fact that the awards are given during the FIMUCITÉ festival allows the winners to gain considerable professional recognition on a global scale.

In this Fourth Edition, the awards are available to all musical composers working in Spanish audiovisual projects.

The votes will be carried out by all members of Musimagen. The names of the recipients in each category will be announced publicly on Monday, August 3rd on the Musimagen website and across all of our official social media.

The awards ceremony will take place on Friday, September 24th during the Fimucité 15 Gala event, which will be held in the Auditorio Adán Martín de Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Musimagen will arrange a suite, featuring all of the winning pieces, that will be performed by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra during the ceremony, as conducted by renowned composer and conductor Diego Navarro, the director of Fimucité.

Each winner, plus a guest, will be given tickets to the following concerts:

  • Antón García Abril Tribute Concert, on Thursday, September 23rd, at 8pm, in the Exconvento de Santo Domingo in La Laguna
  • Fimucité Concert on Friday, September 24th, at 8pm, entitled: “Once Upon... Ennio Morricone: A Celebration of his Film Music”, which will take place in the Auditorio de Santa Cruz Tenerife.

After the Awards Ceremony, the winners and their guests will have tickets to the Post-Ceremony Formal Aperitif Event, as organized by Fimucité and attended by renowned figures in the sector.

In addition, the Association will cover all flight costs and two nights´ stay in a hotel for the winners and their respective guests.



  1. Best Orchestral Music.
  2. Best Electroacoustic Music.
  3. Best Original Music for a Television Series.
  4. Best Original Music for Advertising.
  • Available to all films, documentaries and television series (over 50 minutes in duration) released in cinemas or on television, and commercials (preferred musical choice to be determined by the composer, whether or not this was the final version used), released in Spain between January 1st and December 31st, 2020.
  • The Audiovisual Works will be submitted via a stable , password-protected multimedia platform link, and should then be notified via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. where the work, composer and category should be clearly indicated, in order to facilitate the subsequent resending by categories to the Musimagen list. The list will be made up of all Musimagen members, who will, in turn, make up the Jury that will vote on the Works.
  • The winning Works must have all relevant permission from the producers in order to be exhibited.
  • The Works may include foreign productions, with the proviso that the composer be either Spanish or a resident in Spain.
  • Submitted Works can be by Musimagen members, or any other Spanish Audiovisual Composer.
  • The deadline for receipt of all materials is July 4th, 2021, at 6pm.